Most of you who have a family and earn enough to sustain a stable lifestyle certainly never occurred to think about insurance. Some of you even already have it, either because there are friends or family who "happened" to become an insurance agent or because of their own initiative. Some others may still procrastinate for various reasons. One reason is usually because you're still confused what insurance products are best suited, least expensive and most reliable. For most people, the choice of the many insurance products are offered by many insurance companies is very difficult.
If you are just starting to settle down, your kids are still small, your purchasing power is limited and your assets a little, but your insurance needs large. The children still need a long time to become independent. That is, load your wife will be very heavy if you suddenly had to leave. On the other hand, because you're young, your health is excellent and you feel you will die in the near future, unless-nauzubillah-by accident. In this situation, buy term insurance. For example, you can buy products YRT / ekawarsa (Yearly Renewable Term) which can be renewed automatically each year with slightly more expensive premium. This is the cheapest insurance that provides the greatest protection. Only with a premium of hundreds of thousands per year, you can purchase insurance protection worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This insurance is usually not actively sold by insurance agents as it gives a very small commission. Insurance companies also do not require an agent to distribute the products simple. All people can easily understand it through brochures, websites or explanation by telephone. Visit or call the insurance company's office directly to purchase this product. You can compare products from several insurance companies to get the best price.
However, because term insurance is pure insurance, the money you pay as premium "charred". The money you "lost" if it is not happening anything with you until the end of the coverage period. If you do not like this idea, you can choose a term insurance premium refund you in full at the end of the coverage if it does not happen with you. Of course, the premium you pay will be much more expensive. (Actually, you pay the insurance costs through interest / investment return for the premium. Therefore, just be big enough for the flowers to cover insurance costs.) Consider the annual premium spend a little more expensive, for example in Level Term 20 years, but in the end year-20 all the premiums you pay will be refunded in full if you are still alive.
Over time, if you have started a well-established financially, you could consider purchasing one or several policy again. This time it is permanent insurance product which guarantees you a lifetime. If the term insurance policy is for short-term protection, your lifetime policy for protection of old age. By buying life insurance at a young age, you'll have no trouble getting protection in old age, when age and your health has been difficult to obtain insurance coverage. After that, if you want to save for children's education, you can buy education or other insurance.
Buying a life insurance policy should be more precedence than buying an insurance policy education and other temporary protection. As a form of endowment insurance, education insurance life protection at stops when the benefits already paid all maturities.